Tutorial Video (Click to watch)
Introduction video about the concept of AirCloud and explanation regarding the basics: point-rewarding system, adding a place, writing reviews.
Versión Español del video tutorial introductorio sobre esta plataforma Aircloud y sus funciones básicas, tales como agregar un lugar, escribir un review, ganar puntos y un breve explicación sobre el concepto.
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Go to the top menu and choose “My Account”.
Login to your account or create a new account if you don’t have any.
There are different types of places you can contribute with: aerodromes, heliports, flight schools, clubs, aeronautical stores and events.
You can add a place from the top menu.
You can see all your contributions in your profile once you are logged in to your account.
Anyone can update information of a registered place in the platform by opening that place and clicking on the UPADTE button.
If you are the owner or representative (in real life) of a registered place, you can claim it by opening the place and clicking on the CLAIM button.
You can make a review of a place in the platform by opening that place and selecting the REVIEW tab.
You can send a friendship request to a any user by opening the user’s profile and clicking on the ADD FRIEND button.
Check details regarding the points you are earning by going to “My Points” tab and then scrolling down to the bottom.
Swap your earned points for $LNAV tokens from “My Points” tab and then hit the button WITHDRAW.
If you want to access the premium features, such as fully owning a place in the platform, adding more information, advertising, etc, open the place you contributed with and click on the UPGRADE button.
Email notifications are activated by default. However, you can disable part of them or all of them from the Settings – Email tab of your profile.
Open the user’s profile and click on the REPORT button at the top, below the cover/avatar images.
Open the place’s page and click on the REPORT POST button, below the place’s details.
If you want to advertise a place you added, you must go premium by clicking on the UPGRADE button located on the place’s page.
If you want to advertise your brand, write to us directly at [email protected]